Friday, July 15, 2011

Close to my Heart convention 2011

Here we are at Disneyland, California.
Walt Disney was one of the most Innovative artistic man!! What a wonderful place for Close to my Heart convention 2011.
Today is day 3 of convention I have my new Idea book in my hands. The art work is stunning!
I will be going to many classes again today! My mind is already full of so many ideas to share with you all!
I am so excited!! I Can't wait to share all the wonderful story's, techniques and new product I have learned So much!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time saving?

I love papercrafting but I also love computers and all they do for me.
Close to my Heart has digital scrapbook program that will save us all time and not give up our love for paper and embellishments check out this article from Creative keepsakes .

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Find Your style

I love the latest stamps from Close to My Heart. So please take look at the new
Inspirations. These are just AWSOME!!

Urgent...This is our Mini Catalog only for the month of January 2011 !!

Close to My Heart is now publishing Two Idea books a year with more art, more papers and more current styles.

Look for the new Idea Book which be Live February 1st.

These are a few cards I have designed using the January 2011 stamp of the month and the new Wings paper pack.

Be sure to go to my
Find out how you can receive this set for free!!

I am off to my Zumba class I will the back to make some more amazing projects and experiment with the new spray pen. STAY TUNED!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 2011

Here we are a few days into the New Year. I look back and think what happened to 2010?

It passed so quickly I feel like I watched a movie on fast forward.

There were sad times and good!

I want to focus on the good.

I have lost nearly 40 pounds now and feel so much healthier.

Oh yes for the first time ever I can wear a size 6 jean! (Ok not the slim painted on ones but the more age appropriate!)

Eventually I will post photos of the newer healthier me. I discovered a new love "Zumba" a Latin based dance aerobics class.

Because of working out, I can now walk up the 4 flights of steps to my unit at my workplace with out getting out of breath. (What a accomplishment!) Because of my brother's death most of my family has had a test called a echo cardiogram mine was a little scary the Cardiologist thought she saw a leaky valve and ordered a Stress echo cardiogram. That is a Treadmill test with a sonogram included I'm proud to say I passed with flying colors, at the time not passing out was my goal. Amazingly I did so well the cardiologist claimed I am I'm better shape than most of my co-workers. ( That makes me proud hard work paying off.)

My Goals this Year are:

  1. Maintain my weight loss perhaps lose 5-10 pounds more.

  2. Continue to exercise, adding more focus on strength training.

  3. Schedule more creative time.

  4. Workshops at least every other month

  5. Post here more often.
Until later today with my first art work of the YEAR 20011